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hands-on ministry training meets theological studies

By the end of the apprenticeship you will have the character, tools and know-how to join an existing campus ministry team or pioneer a new work on campus.

Our Campus Ministry Apprenticeship (CMA) is a full-time, self-fundraised program that provides training for campus workers.

The CMA is an opportunity to learn and develop the character and competencies necessary for a calling and mission among post-secondary students. It will include Biblical and practical ministry education, character development, and a wide variety of skill acquisition required for campus ministry service.

Learn and grow under the care and mentorship of veteran men and women in ministry who have modeled fruitfulness and godliness.

Steps to Apply

Step 1:
Book a call with John Engels on Calendly

Step 2:
Complete our application form at the bottom of this page and submit a copy of your resume and cover letter

Step 3:
We’ll be in touch about next steps!

Mentorship and coaching by veteran campus ministers who want to see you empowered by the Holy Spirit and mobilized for your calling

Immersive field training in theology, character formation, and a professional skillset

"Taking a year or two after graduation for practical and supervised training (campus missionary apprenticeship) like I did could be your most critical year at University yet.”
 ‐ James Perreaux,
   Former Campus Missionary Apprentice

"We believe in being lifelong learners. This apprenticeship is for people who are looking to take their academic studies into the real world, putting it all into practice daily.”

"I love inviting our university grads into discerning a call to campus ministry through our apprenticeship. They are the most qualified candidates we have because of their experience of doing ministry on campus as a student. With its mix of theological study, hands-on practical ministry, and guided discernment and feedback, our apprenticeship is an excellent way for them to have a taste of full-time campus ministry as they discern what God may call them to."
 ‐ Seth Greenham,
   Apprenticeship Supervisor


How Long Is The CMA Program?

The CMA is a 12-month program. The initial four months, May through August, is exclusively focused on theological training and fundraising and is unpaid until appropriate funding is raised. In other words, your pay starts when you are funded. September through April is paid with focused ministry on campus along with personal formation and continued theological training. A CMA program in Quebec will be longer (up to two years) depending on language proficiency.

How Is The CMA Funded?

The CMA is a fully fundraised position whereby salary and ministry costs are raised by the apprentice (ministry expenses are minimal). Training and direction for this process is provided. Monthly budgets for the CMA are determined for each person’s needs, with standards in place to ensure financial health.

Where Is The CMA Available?

The CMA is currently available on some campuses across British Columbia, McMaster University in Ontario and McGill University in Quebec. If you are deeply committed to serving Jesus and have a desire to minister to young adults during their post-secondary education, please send a resume in the form below

CMA Program Application

Don't forget to attach a copy of your resume and cover letter!

Attach Resume
SERVE is a network of C5 campus ministries in relationship with The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC)