SERVE Campus Network Summit 2021
About this Event
Are you a student leader, church staff, campus minister/chaplain, or post-secondary faculty/staff who wants to reach out to students? Do you have a burden for post-secondary students? Then this conference is for you!
Co-mission with us at the Campus Summit to experience how making disciples on campuses is shaping today. Join our biennial strategic gathering for vision, inspiration, and learning. Participate with keynote speakers and interactive sessions on racial inclusion, international students, sharing the gospel, and global mission.
Make an investment to equip yourself and meet like-minded people across Canada!
Keynote Speakers
Shaila Visser is the National Director of Alpha Canada and the Global Senior Vice-President for Alpha International. She is the Executive Producer of both The
Alpha Youth Film Series (2013) and The Alpha Film Series (2016), and currently holds positions on the Board of the Damascus Road Foundation and on the Board of Regent College. Shaila is recognized as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Christian Women
in Canada.
As a leader who cares about culture, values, and impact, Shaila is constantly aware that the most strategic partner we can have is the Holy Spirit. During this session, Shaila will unpack the opportunity we all have for greater impact when we are fueled
and led by the Holy Spirit in evangelism. We are excited that Shaila will be speaking on Partnering With the Holy Spirit in Mission.
Rebecca Manley Pippert, author of 12 books, evangelist, international speaker and the founder of Becky Pippert Ministries. Becky has equipped university students
in evangelism on 6 continents. Becky’s most recent book is, Stay Salt: The World Has Changed Our Message Must Not.
Tim Keller said, “Stay Salt may be the best book on witness for the next generation. I don’t know of a more lucid or penetrating book on evangelism to put into the hands of a Christian.”
Becky and husband Dick are the parents of three adult children and grandparents to five delightful grandchildren. When not travelling they reside in Holland, Michigan.
We are so thrilled for Becky to address Sharing Your Faith Naturally and how Jesus uses us in our weakness.
Peter and Cavelle Dove co-founded Imagine Thailand, a Christ-centered Bangkok-based social engagement organization that links the university and marketplace to communities impacted by political or environmental dislocation in Thailand and Southeast Asia.
Cavelle serves in various capacities as an International Development Consultant. Prior to coming to Asia, Peter served as Campus Pastor with University Christian Ministries at the University of British Columbia.
Peter is currently Regional Director for Asia (PAOC), and until recently, was based in Yangon, Myanmar. Peter and Cavelle have served in Asia for 19 years and have three school-aged boys, Matthew, Benjamin, and Charles.
We are looking forward to Peter and Cavelle sharing about Global Christians--living vocationally in and around the world.
Read MORE About Peter Dove
Abel John is a music instructor and student at Mount Royal University studying Exercise Physiology. He is also the worship and audio tech director/producer at Journey Church in Calgary. Abel loves fitness and sports and has played rugby for many
years for Team Alberta and other teams including his university. Abel is involved with University Campus Ministries in Calgary and has lead worship for The Convergence, an initiative for students across Calgary campuses and beyond. Abel says,
“I'm super excited to be part of this conference. I believe that we will be able to feel the Lord’s presence whether we are in the same room or over a camera!”
Ticket Prices
Early Bird Tickets are available until Monday, May 17, 2021, at which point the prices of each ticket will increase by $10.00
Early Bird Admission: $40.00
Early Bird Admission - Student: $22.00
After May 17
General Admission: $50.00
General Admission - Student: $32.00
* Zoom Sessions will be recorded for the purpose of attendees viewing after the event. If you do not want your picture or video recorded, please turn off your video function when in the Breakout Sessions.
** $5.00 of each ticket will go to support the ongoing effort to help the food Crisis in Yemen, through ERDO (Emergency Relief and Development Overseas).
SERVE Campus Summit 2021 Schedule
MONDAY MAY 31, 2021
(Schedule subject to minor changes)
12:00 p.m. | Live Connection Time on (Optional) |
1:00 p.m. | Welcome & Worship |
1:20 p.m. | Session #1: “Partnering With the Holy Spirit in Mission“ (Shaila Visser + Live Q & R) |
2:05 p.m. | Small Group Prayer in Zoom Breakout Rooms |
2:20 p.m. | Break |
2:35 p.m. | Session #2: “Sharing Your Faith Naturally” (Becky Pippert + Live Q & R) |
3:25 p.m. | Red Frogs update from David Burke |
3:35 p.m. | Yemen Offering |
3:40 p.m. | 5 Min Break |
3:45 p.m. | Session #3 SERVE Talks (Breakout Sessions on Zoom - you can only attend one) |
4:20 p.m. | John Engel's Closing Remarks + Giveaway |
4:35 p.m. | Live Connection Time on (Optional) |
5:35 p.m. | Gather closes- End of Day (All times are in Eastern Time) |
(Schedule subject to minor changes)
12:00 p.m. | Live Connection Time on |
1:00 p.m. | Welcome & Worship |
1:20 p.m. | Racial Inclusion Presentation, PAOC Biblical Justice Panel + Q & R |
2:15 p.m. | 5 Min Break |
2:20 p.m. | Session #2: Campus Ministry in Ethiopia (Mamusha) |
2:40 p.m. | 15 Min Break |
2:55 p.m. | Session #3: “Global Christians: Living Vocationally in and Around the World” + Live Q & R) |
3:45 p.m. | Session #4 Peter and Cavelle Dove |
4:30 p.m. | Communion + Commissioning Dismissal |
4:45 p.m. | Closing and Dismissal |
4:50 p.m. | Live Connection Time on (Optional) |
5:50 p.m. | End of Summit (All times are in Eastern Time) |
*All times are in Eastern Time
Racial Inclusion Panel: On Co-mission to be Agents of Racial Reconciliation
A two-part segment focused on what biblical justice looks like and practical ways we can be agents of racial reconciliation. At the end of Part 2 there will be a live Q&R with all participants involved.
Part 1: This “table-talk” features two campus workers, Jazelle Johnson and Nelly Latchman, and one post-secondary student, Emily Asante, who will be sharing their experiences and lived realities of racial issues in the Church and in the education system. They will also be discussing the effects of those issues on people of colour within churches and schools. Their primary focus in this panel is to provide insight and practical ways the Church and workers ministering in the campus context can proactively work toward justice and racial reconciliation.
Part 2: Dave Wells, Ejay Tupe, and Elyse Yu-Brouwer from The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) Biblical Justice Racial Inclusion Committee will be sharing about how systematic change involving education, strategic initiatives, and accountability is crucial in order for churches and leadership to be further equipped in race issues and cultural competencies.
Global Strategy Panel:
God is at work beyond Canada’s borders too; on campuses, in workplaces and in hard-to-reach places. This is an opportunity to hear from a panel of global workers – those who are part of God’s mission internationally to the least reached and the most vulnerable.
Is God is inviting you to join Him in bringing your skills, your profession, and your passion to see Him made famous among the nations?
Let’s talk about what’s possible – whether you are in Canada or willing to embark on an overseas adventure for two weeks, two months or two decades.
A time for questions and responses will follow the presentations.
SERVE Talks (Choose One Option)
Engaging Indigenous Peoples
Dan Collado is the academic director of Aboriginal Bible Academy and serves as the Mission Canada Indigenous Peoples coordinator with The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. There is a great need to encourage, empower, inspire, and provide training so that Canada’s Indigenous Peoples can convert their tremendous potential, their aspirations and dreams into solid achievement and brighter futures. Dan will share bridges for understanding as well as opportunities for engaging Indigenous Canadians on campus. Q&R following the presentation.
Unlocking Your Discipleship Potential
Robin Wallar is a graduate in Nuclear Engineering from McMaster University. He is now lead pastor of Lift Church and is inspiring a discipleship movement that is thriving on Canadian college and university campuses. His book Everyone Sent to Multiply Everything and the follow-up, Living Sent, describe a vision where every follower of Christ is engaged in disciple-making and church planting. Robin will begin to unlock the tremendous discipleship potential within you and those you lead to see a Jesus movement multiply from where He has placed you. Q&R following the presentation.
Hospitality Among International Students
Kelly Johnson is a campus minister at the University of Calgary and oversees University Campus Ministries (UCM) at Mount Royal University and SAIT. Kelly has travelled in many nations of the world but loves the opportunity to share the love of Jesus in his birth country. Join Kelly as he looks at the heart of God for international students in Canada. A deeper dive into the nuts and bolts of the Friendship Program will inspire you to love and serve those God is bringing to our campuses in greater ways. Q&R following the presentation.
Alpha Online
Diane Lewis and Paul Engels are campus ministers with University Christian Ministries in British Columbia and have been involved leading Alpha on campuses. People are facing big challenges and asking even bigger questions during the global pandemic. We sense a tremendous opportunity as the Holy Spirit is moving across Canada’s campuses and mobilizing Christians to look outward. Paul and Diane will be sharing how Alpha Online is effectively used in bringing the gospel on campuses to those far from God. Q&R following the presentations.
Life Launch
Ryan Morgan is the Youth and Young Adult Pastor at Generations Church in Nanaimo, BC, and is spearheading the SERVE Campus Network/Mission Canada “Life Launch” project. It is an interactive online curriculum to help bridge grade 11-12 high school students for doing life when they graduate. The on-demand video training program helps equip students, parents, and youth leadership in key practical and spiritual skills though video modules and online coaching. Youth pastors can help mentor their students for equipping whether they go to a post-secondary school, do a gap year, or go straight into the workforce. Ryan will be showing you how to utilize Life Launch for welcoming new students to your campus. Q&R following the presentation.
How to Have Spiritual Conversations
Calvin Weber and Marissa Peat are campus ministers with University Christian Ministries in British Columbia. Evangelism is not only for extroverts, but also introverts and everyone in between (Ambiverts)! Calvin (the introvert) and Marissa (the extrovert) engage in spiritual conversations with students all the time in unstructured and structured settings. You will be encouraged in this session with ways to bring up the topic of faith and engage in conversation starters about Jesus—all in a loving manner that is natural and fits your personality. Q&R following the presentations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does my $5.00 mission project from registration go?
Your $5.00 (no tax receipt provided) will be issued to Emergency Relief and Development Overseas (ERDO) humanitarian project: Millions of Yeminis are in urgent need of food
aid. The United Nations warns that there is a danger of famine if immediate action is not taken. Fragile children are too weak to cry and too thin to believe. There is no choice in the matter, children need food, and we need your help! Together, we
can provide food that is essential to bring children and their families back from famine conditions and save lives. Your $5.00 will provide families with food baskets for five months. Through ERDO’s partnership with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank,
your donations will be matched 4 times by the Canadian government. That means, your donation brings multiplied life-saving food. ERDO was recognized two years in a row by The Financial Post as one of the "Top 25 Charities in Canada". Charity Intelligence
also recognized ERDO as one of the “Top 100 Rated Charities in Canada.”
When does early bird registration end?
The price goes up after May 17, 2021 to $50.00 Regular, and $32.00 for Students.
Does every person need to register for the Summit even if we plan to join together and watch as a group?
Yes, we ask that every person who is participating in the Summit register individually. This lets each person access all the content on their own devices and receive conference recordings.
Will there be opportunity to give an offering to the ERDO Crisis project?
Yes, we will be taking up an offering during the Summit toward the ERDO Yemen project with 4 times the amount being matched by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. You will be issued a tax receipt with ERDO. We will provide more information at
the Summit for how you can contribute.
May I invite anyone to attend?
Out of respect for the nature of this Summit, we ask that participants do not invite people who are not Christian believers. The Campus Summit is designed for equipping Christian student leaders, campus
ministers, church staff, post-secondary faculty/staff, and marketplace people who have a burden for students.
Are scholarships available?
Yes. If the cost of the Summit is a hardship for you, please contact
What are the virtual connection times about? (
This is optional for all registrants as an informal meet and greet for meeting new people, catching up with friends, and talking with exhibitors. Gather is a video chat platform
that looks and feels like a video game. Use the arrow keys to navigate, and video chats will open automatically with people nearby. Press X to interact with objects (they will glow yellow). All you need to do is click and enter your name on the icon.
Once in the Main Hall, read the announcement by the SERVE Campus Network virtual table.
Gather is optimized for desktop/laptop with camera and headphones. You can join from a mobile device, but many features will not be available. Chrome or Firefox
browsers are recommended. That’s it! There’s nothing to install, no software to download.
There is an exhibitor hall, café areas, and prayer rooms to interact with.
When are the virtual connection times?
Our virtual connection times on Gather will be for one hour before 1:00 PM, and one hour after 4:30 PM ET May 31 – June 1.
May I cancel my registration?
Yes, before the Summit. Registration is also transferrable to another person. The Campus Summit will be recorded and included with your registration fee so you can view it afterwards. Please contact
us if you have any questions at
When will I have access to recordings after the Summit?
We plan to grant access by the end of June 2021.
What is the online format for the conference?
Plenary sessions and panels will be accessed via Youtube Live. Breakouts and prayer will be accessed live via Zoom meetings. We will also be using Gather to host our virtual connections at the beginning and end of each day. Before the start
of the event, you will have access to the necessary links on the Eventbrite Online Event Page once you register.