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PAOC Missions Prayer - the week of November 29, 2018

PAOC Missions Prayer - the week of November 29, 2018

weekly prayer updates

Kelvin and Laura Chan - Thailand
PRAY for Kelvin and Laura's newborn baby boy, Emerson, who has to undergo surgery. In a recent update, Kelvin wrote:

Might I implore you to pray and petition for my son? If you don't know who to pray to, ask to hear from Him. He will speak to you. Emerson is currently going to Bangkok via Air Ambulance to receive surgery for an incarcerated inguinal hernia. Pray for wisdom, alertness, and skilled hands for the nurses and doctors who will see his case. Pray for Ember-Ling as she's been away from us as we attend to Emerson. Pray for us as we face the biggest challenge of our life.

Thank you for your prayers on behalf of the Chan family!

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