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Multiply a Church Planting Movement in Cambodia

Multiply a Church Planting Movement in Cambodia

Multiply a Church Planting Movement

Have you ever seen faith that grows like a mustard seed?
Right now, in Cambodia, this is what is happening through our university student outreach, the Global Student Centre and Dorm (GSC).
When PAOC global workers Ian and Tiffanie Rowley sensed God’s calling to serve university students in Cambodia, they believed that they were just being called to care for students. What they didn’t know was that God would use them to start an Indigenous church planting movement.

In obedience, they followed the Holy Spirit's prompting and started the Global Student Centre across from one of the major universities in the capital of Phnom Penh. Providing a safe living space for students and the opportunity for community was the priority for the GSC. At the same time that this ministry was birthed, the Holy Spirit was already at work in the lives of students, like a young man named Menghou.

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Menghou migrated from rural Cambodia to Phnom Penh, for university. Like most migrant students, finding a community and a safe living space were critical to his success as a rural student in the big city.

He found that those needs were met at the GSC; but, most importantly, he also found Jesus. Through the Rowley’s small group programmes, he encountered the gospel for the first time. He gave his life to Jesus and was baptized.
With a group of other university students, he started travelling out of the city to the rural villages, serving children, and sharing the love and hope of Jesus.
And then it happened…

Three years ago, Menghou experienced the call of the Holy Spirit on his own life. He told Ian and Tiffanie that after graduation, he wanted to serve in a rural village and plant a church.
In 2021, Menghou started leading the children’s ministry at a church plant in a previously unreached village.

He is not alone!
This year, 30 more students from the GSC plan to plant six small churches in Cambodia.

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Plant Churches in Cambodia

The Global Student Centre has been so successful that it has outgrown its third location! As the team seeks to expand the facility, God has also expanded their vision.

The team recently purchased land in Phnom Penh within walking distance of three major university campuses. This new location will triple the number of students who will have the opportunity to hear the gospel.

Proven Impact – Church Planting

This is your opportunity to partner with this proven and effective ministry. When you support the construction of the new Global Student Centre building, you will:

  1. Serve 2,800 unreached students per week through the expanded café and drop-in centre
  2. Provide safe-living spaces to 180 students, addressing a core need of migrant students
  3. Disciple even more students and train church planters by increasing the number of student-led small groups
Will you invest in the life of future church planters like Menghou? The project's total cost is $1,000,000, but if we have ever needed a reminder that acts of generosity, no matter the size, can have a massive impact, then the Global Student Centre is that story.

Together, we can see faith and generosity grow like a mustard seed!

Photo Courtesy Vouchlim Ton