Outdoor Education Program Manager
Southeast Asia
This company is a leading geo-tourist resort brand in Asia that manages resorts in remote locations far from the hustle and bustle of city life. They invite their guests to disconnect from the busyness in their lives so that they can connect with what is important. They seek to create holistic impact; protecting the environment, making a positive social impact in their community, lifting the local economy, and helping their team find and live out their purpose.
The Outdoor Education Program Manager would report to the Head of Outdoor Education and be responsible for improving existing programs, developing new ones, as well as helping to market these programs. Qualifications for this role include a bachelor’s degree and significant past experience in outdoor and rustic conditions. Desired certifications include Wilderness First Responder, Lifeguard certification, child protection training, teaching certification, etc.
Many BAM companies in the regions where we work can pay competitive local-level salaries for qualified individuals. Expats are generally expected to have an additional financial support structure to provide for needs of repatriation, health insurance requirements, etc.
Our Mission Global team will walk with you along the way – from application to deployment. Training, administrative support and mission coaching will be provided, along with assistance for promotional and fundraising efforts.