Winter 2023 testimony/Enrich
Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony/Enrich. Read more.
FROM THE EDITOR: SEEING IN THE SPIRIT—God’s invitation in a parched landscape
by Stacey McKenzie
“Throughout a landscape parched for truth, meaning, direction, and in many cases, comfort, Pentecostals can offer the gospel and experiential understanding of God’s present and active power at work in our world and in our own lives.” Read more.
FROM OUR BIBLE COLLEGES, PART 1—Summit Pacific College & Master’s College and Seminary
Chantel Dickson visited Uganda as a part of her program at Summit Pacific College. She and several other students from Summit and Master’s College and Seminary take time to make known the joys of pursuing Pentecostal theological studies. [Full content available to subscribers.]
MISSION POSSIBLE—The rebirth of a dying church
by Brenda Erb Roberts
Brenda Erb Roberts tells the story of how God responded to the prayers of a small, aging congregation. Refusing to give up, they trusted God’s faithfulness and experienced a turnaround that proved God could do what seemed impossible. Read more.
DOES OUR HOMILETIC NEED A REFRESH?—Reflections on a Pentecostal preaching journey
by Aaron A. M. Ross
Aaron A. M. Ross has sensed a need for a shift in his approach to preaching as a Pentecostal pastor. He shares his thoughts on what a refresh can do in the lives of his hearers—and for himself. [Full content available to subscribers.]
DIVINE SUMMONS—An invitation for women (and men)
by Susan Wendel
“In my view, such stories inspire us to consider how God might be urging us to reorder ourselves and our relationships more intentionally around His vision for the women and men whom He has called.” Read more.
AN INTERNATIONAL LEADERSHIP JOURNEY—64 years of trust: Interview with Dennis White
by Duane Henry
Reverend Dennis White served in full-time ministry for over 64 years, including as a missionary to Kenya. He reflects on his experiences and describes how he was able to persevere through both the joys and the challenges of service. Read more.
LOVING MERCY, DOING JUSTICE, AND WALKING HUMBLY—Race Relations Report from PCCNA (Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America)
by Don Gilbert
“As part of the conference, I led a Race Relations Commission discussion with my friend Aaron Campbell. We spent an afternoon talking about a pathway to racial healing and unity. Our group of 15 shared different individual experiences with race and racism. The people of colour shared some painful memories, and our goal was unity and healing. At the end of the time together, we came up with a ‘dandy dozen’ of ideas to move forward on that pathway. These are good points to ponder and apply in your life.” [Full content available to subscribers.]
Our Stories
“The graduates of ChildCARE Plus from over 25 developing countries have grown up to pastor churches or have found other employment, breaking their family’s cycle of poverty.” Read more.
MISSION CANADA: HISTORY MADE—Reflections on Pope Francis’s visit to Canada
by Dan Collado
Pope Francis visited Canada last summer for what he called a “Penitential Pilgrimage.” Dan Collado, the Mission Canada Indigenous Peoples priority co-ordinator, shares his reflections on the visit. Read more.
"The Bible begins with Spirit of God hovering over. Where there was darkness and void, He commanded light. This truth continues to be evident in our world today. There is light shining, testifying of God’s goodness. May you be encouraged and reminded of God’s nearness as you read the latest testimonies from the field. Each worker has been called by God and has seen the unique and beautiful manifestations of the Creator drawing His creation to Himself."—Victoria Ninaber, Associate Executive Director for Mission Global—Communication, Development and Technology Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony/Enrich for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing The complete digital issue is available to all paid subscribers. You can check out a few of the articles from previous issues at Full content is available to paid subscribers only.
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