Summer 2022 testimony/Enrich

Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony/Enrich. Read more.
by Stacey McKenzie
We are not forgotten by God. He knows us intimately—our strengths, our weaknesses, and our struggles—and can teach us how to live out our days for His honour.” Read more.
MURIEL’S MIRACULOUS RECOVERY—How God intervened in a zero per cent survival prognosis
as told to Barbara Hein by Thelma Corris and Muriel McGuire
Thelma Corris of Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, wants to share her family's story of God's powerful answers to intercessory prayer. Her daughter, Muriel McGuire, made a miraculous recovery after a serious car accident in Peace River, Alberta. Read more.
LOVEARMY—Mobilizing Christians at
by Jerry Sen launched LoveArmy in 2020, seeking to be "an unignorably good force of good in our city, country, and even our world." Jerry Sen describes how God challenged him to help mobilize Christians both inside and outside the church to shower love on their city. [Full content available to subscribers.]
THE MENTORING IMPACT—Honouring the influence of Howard and Kay Kerr
by Jim Cantelon
PAOC global workers Howard and Kay Kerr lived lives of tremendous influence on Argentinian evangelists Luis Palau, Juan Carlos Ortiz and Ed Silvoso. Jim Cantelon explains what he calls "the mentoring impact." [Full content available to subscribers.]
WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP—Pursuing gender equality in both policy and practice
by Sara Curdie
Sara Curdie wants to see more women grow in confidence and rise to their calling to leadership in ministry. She has concrete suggestions for removing the barriers that exist within our Fellowship and improving their outlook. Read more.
WELCOMING THE SPIRITUAL STRANGER—Thoughts on pastoring in a COVID-19 world
by Paul Khosla
The pandemic significantly impacted church gathering norms. Paul Khosla, lead pastor of Faith City Church in Halifax, N.S., reflects on how recent changes to church gathering norms can help him grow in his ability to welcome the spiritual stranger. [Full content available to subscribers.]
BEAUTY FOR ASHES: HOPE IN A SEASON OF AGONY—Thoughts on leadership in times of crisis
by Innocent Sezibera
“After the genocide against the Tutsi of Rwanda, many church leaders were killed, others fled the country, and those who remained in Rwanda were psychologically and spiritually destroyed. However, thousands of pastors, evangelists, prophets and worshippers returned to Rwanda from many countries around the world where they had been living for decades. I was among the returnees.” [Full content available to subscribers.]
“BURN DOWN THE BARN”…—and other tales of deconstruction
by Jessica DiSabatino
Asking difficult questions is a necessary part of long-term spiritual growth, but some people give up their Christian faith altogether when they feel the answers are dissatisfying. Jessica DiSabatino shares her perspective on what is often called “deconstruction.” [Full content available to subscribers.]
Lorrie Gibbons and William Griffin were two incredibly faithful individuals who served the PAOC with excellence throughout their lifetime. They were men of integrity who led with tremendous wisdom and kingdom impact. Both of them passed away earlier this year, and testimony/Enrich honours their lives and legacy with two separate “In Memoriam” tributes. [Full content available to subscribers.]
Our Stories
MISSION CANADA: SIX CULTURAL HEADWINDS—Challenges to the mission of the church in Canada
by Brian Egert
Brian Egert, PAOC’s Mission Canada director, sat down with Jeff Christopherson, the executive director of Church Planting Canada, to talk about the cultural headwinds affecting Canadian evangelicals. Read more.
MISSION GLOBAL: MISSION GLOBAL—PAOC International Missions has changed its name!
by Murray Cornelius
“In that century of mission together, we have seen unprecedented changes. As a Fellowship, we have responded together with innovation and a spirit of generosity. Mission Global is the next step in that journey. It reflects where we have come from and the incredible future that the Holy Spirit is calling us to.” Read more.
ERDO: SOWPEAP’S STORY—A sponsored child’s journey from death to life
by Alicia Kolenda
“This story is a testimony to the goodness and faithfulness of God. The love that Sowpeap’s family is receiving from the church has shown everyone in this Cambodian community the power of Christ to heal, save and transform.” Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony/Enrich for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing The complete digital issue is available to all paid subscribers. You can check out a few of the articles from previous issues at Full content is available to paid subscribers only.
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