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PAOC Prayer - Your Update for the Week of July 13, 2020

PAOC Prayer - Your Update for the Week of July 13, 2020

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PAOC Prayer is a weekly communication of prayer requests sent from The PAOC International Office in Mississauga, Ont. To download a PDF version of PAOC Prayer, please click here.

Join us this week in praying for these specific needs in our nation, our world, and in our PAOC family of workers, both internationally and in Canada. If you have received this communication as a forwarded message and want to sign up for weekly prayer updates, click here.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, ERDO’s main priority has been food and hygiene. Pray for families who are on the verge of starvation. ERDO has received heartbreaking stories from their partners around the globe. Many of the ChildCARE Plus families have lost their income and livelihood due to lockdowns and it is becoming increasingly difficult to find food in many of the program areas. But praise God for amazing stories of thanksgiving that ERDO’s partners and PAOC global workers are also sharing. Pray for the communities who are being, or will be impacted as a result of food shortages. Pray also for ERDO’s continued COVID-19 response and for their supporters in Canada who are feeling the stress of the situation.

Everyone is affected by the coronavirus crisis that has been happening around the world, including children and youth. Pray for the social, physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being of our next generation. For younger children, pray for understanding in regards to the social distancing requirements, and pray for parents and guardians that they would be blessed with extra patience and grace in these days. Pray that God will bless children and youth with encouragement and peace at a time when so many feel disappointment with cancelled summer activities and camps or not being able to spend extended time with friends and family as they have previously done. Pray also that children and youth across Canada and around the world will know and accept Jesus as a real and loving presence in their lives. For those who are able to participate in church camps and programs, whether online or in person, pray that leaders will take every opportunity to clearly communicate the gospel message and that it will spread through our next generation.

Pray continually for God to intervene in the spread of COVID-19, which has infected more than 12,929,300, and killed nearly 570,000 people around the world.1 Pray for healing for those infected, and comfort for those who have lost loved ones. Ask God to strengthen and protect frontline and essential workers and to grant peace to their families who are concerned for them. Pray that, as many countries begin to ease restrictions, their economies will respond well and new infections will be limited. Pray for extra protection for people in developing countries who are already malnourished and more vulnerable to this disease. Pray also for the hundreds of PAOC global workers who have remained in the country of their calling, serving their communities and displaying the love of Christ throughout this global pandemic.

1. World Health Organization (

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