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E21 Europe Congress-London 2016

E21 Europe Congress-London 2016


Don’t treat the baptism in the Spirit as something that happens only once. Exercise the gift. Paul said to Timothy about his ministry in 2 Timothy 1:6, “Stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands” (KJV). The New International Version says “fan into flame.” The word for “stir up” is a Greek word that represents a hot coal, an ember, a spark. A charcoal fire needs to be fanned into flame. This is the word Paul used. There will be times when we need the wind of the Spirit of God to rekindle a gift for ministry. This is true with the baptism in the Spirit as well. Kindle, rekindle, keep being filled with the Spirit so that this blessed experience is a regular expression of your relationship with Christ. - Dr. George O. Wood 

Dr. George O. Wood, Empowered21 Co-chair, serves as the general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, and chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship with combined membership of more than 67 million. Dr. Wood, a recognized statesman in the Spirit-empowered movement, will be a featured speaker during the Empowered21 Europe celebration of Pentecost 2016.

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