March/April 2015 testimony

Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony. Read more.
I BELIEVE IN THE CHURCH!—The Principle of Unity in Diversity
Higher Principle Living: A Call to Redemptive Leadership is the title of a small gift book published by the PAOC and distributed to credential holders in the fall of 2014. Last issue we began featuring condensed versions of some of its chapters for our testimony readers. Here, in the second of this series, Bob (Robert) Osborne looks at the principle of unity in diversity. [Full content available to subscribers.]
BURNT OFFERINGS AND GARDENING—What to do when life leaves you with ashes
Kathy Bousquet went digging through the sacrificial regulations of Leviticus and came upwith a memory of her dad. It has to do with burnt offerings, ashes and gardening. Read how it has changed the way she views the hardships of her life. [Full content available to subscribers.]
THE GRIP OF FEAR—Helping your anxiety-ridden teenager
Sarah Ball knows the grip of fear, having suffered from crippling anxiety and panic attacks. Since her story “From Panic to Praise” was published in our November/December 2014 issue, Sarah has heard from teens—and parents of teens—asking for help in dealing with debilitating anxiety. Here she offers parents some effective ways to support their anxiety-ridden teenager. Read more.
TELLING IT WITH A SONG—The enduring musical ministry of the Toronto Mass Choir
Choirs may be a thing of the past in most evangelical churches in Canada, but the soul-stirring power of human voices blended in song and fuelled by conviction is a phenomenon that will never go out of style. Attend a performance of the Toronto Mass Choir and you will understand why. [Full content available to subscribers.]
FINANCIAL ABUSE OF SENIORS—Could it be happening to someone at your church?
People aged 65 and over represent 15 per cent of Canada’s total population and are the fastest growing age group in the country. One of the many repercussions of this phenomenon is the rise in cases of elder abuse, especially financial abuse. Carol Ford reminds us of our responsibility toward the elderly and points out some signs of financial abuse to watch for. Read more.
A LONG ARRIVAL—My journey to the heart of worship
For Jenny Svetec, the journey began in the balcony of her childhood Catholic Church. She’s seen a lot of the world since then, and along the way her understanding of what it means to worship has brought her back to the simplicity of where it began. This is the story of her long arrival to the heart of worship. [Full content available to subscribers.]
Departmental Stories
MISSION CANADA: RAISING A GODLY GENERATION—Teaching Youth to Think and Live With Purpose
Using personal experiences, Natalie Rogge, strategic manager for Mission Canada and the director of communications and strategic initiatives, challenges readers on what they are doing in 2015 and beyond to reach the next generation for Christ. Read more.
The 4/14 Window is a contemporary term used to describe a crucial window of time in the life of a person between ages 4 and 14, when they are most responsive to the gospel. Children comprise the largest age group to be reached today, with nearly half of the world’s population currently under the age of 20. Our North American experience shows that 71 per cent of Christians committed their lives to Christ before the age of 15. These two incredible facts make children in the 4/14 Window the greatest outreach challenge for the church of Jesus Christ, as well as the greatest and most promising opportunity where the church can invest. Read more.
ERDO: DEFINING IMAGES—Emblems of Change for Ethiopia
This past November, Steve Kennedy, the editor of testimony, travelled to Ethiopia to visit development and humanitarian projects supported by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. He shares with readers the variety of images that captured his mind and heart as he explored the country. Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing A digital version of the full issue is now available! Please also free to check out past articles from previous issues at
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