You helped raise over $125,000 to help to children displaced by conflict!
What is Ride to Thrive?
This year we have watched in horror as schools, hospitals, and civilian convoys have been attacked in Ukraine. More than 2.5 million children have been displaced because of this war. And yet this is only a fraction of the more than 400 million children who are impacted by armed conflict worldwide.
Moved by these realities, and as people transformed by the gospel, you can make a difference for these children!
This year, our annual Ride to Thrive is focused on raising awareness with ERDO to support for children in crisis due to armed conflict. Your donation has immediate impact on refugees, families, and children in communities in Ukraine, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Haiti, and Yemen.
Your support provided lifesaving help and care for children all around our globe. Because of your generosity and support ERDO’s crisis relief program will provide aid distribution, refugees will have shelter, and the love of Jesus will be shared through the work of dedicated global workers.
Thank you for the time, effort, and donations that you’ve generously given to make this campaign a success!