Ministry Location: Victoria, BC
Ministry Focus: Cultural Ministry
This Mission Canada worker was born in the capital city of their nation. They were seeking a god only found in a dead religion with denies the God of the Bible and the truth of Jesus Christ. When this worker moved to Canada, they were able to meet Christians and felt the genuine love of God, and most importantly, His truth was communicated. This worker is thankful to God and the church as they were able to meet the real God who loved them so much and sent Jesus for them as He brought them back to His kingdom. Now this Mission Canada worker lives by the grace of God and not by works. God's love covers the deepest parts of our heart if you really believe. Now as a tool in His kingdom, this worker brings the Good News of Jesus to the Farsi speaking community in Victoria, BC, and beyond. Outreach events, weekly Bible studies, media and personal discipleship is their ministry focus.