MINISTRY FOCUS: Approximately 90% of RVA students are children, from 25 different countries, whose parents serve as full-time missionaries in 30 countries with over 60 organizations. A main reason why many missionaries leave the field is because of inadequate or unaffordable education options. Hence, our goal is to be part of RVA’s mission to provide an exceptional Christ-centred education for missionary children.
As the food services manager, I (Jeremy) oversee the school cafeteria and all special events. I also serve as the worship pastor and the advanced Swahili teacher. I (Christine) serve as the travel & immigration coordinator, handling the transportation needs for our 275 boarding students and the 550 permits for our boarding and day students, along with our staff. I also interact with our alumni scattered around the world. Together, we host small groups, organize weekend activities, cover dorms, and liaise with boarding parents across Africa.
- For God to help our students and their parents grow closer together as they navigate boarding life, international travel, and being at such far distances from each other.
- For God to pour His grace, wisdom, and love into us to care for the hundreds of students we serve every day.
- For God to protect and guide our son Jacob who graduates this year and heads far from us to Quebec and help us to adjust to our new normal as a family.