Answering the Call

by Murray Cornelius May 24, 2024, 13:54 PM

Help spread the gospel in India.

Enable Church Planters.

With the world’s largest population, India contains one third of the world’s least reached people groups. This is why our international partners have a God-given vision to plant 500 churches over the next two plus years throughout India. 

Our partners have already trained over 800 Spirit-filled church planters eager to fulfill this vision. And one church planter, already paving the way, is Pastor Vikram.  

Can you imagine if your church moved 14 times in seven years?! You brace yourself for the pending announcement: the landlord is kicking you out of your rented space, yet again, because they realized you were worshipping Jesus. 

This has been Pastor Vikram’s experience, besides facing taunts and being publicly condemned by community leaders. Yet opposition isn’t new for him. Raised a Muslim, Pastor Vikram and his parents came to faith in Jesus. Sadly, they were immediately ostracized.  

Yet God provided a loving community of believers to care for them. It was then that Pastor Vikram felt called to become a church planter!   

Showing up to plant his church, he only had his Bible in hand. This is the norm for many church planters in India: they sometimes find a few believers (and many times not), rent a small room for their church, and begin witnessing boldly. 

After moving constantly, Pastor Vikram finally managed to buy a piece of land to construct a makeshift church. Today, 18 of his 35 church members have taken the bold step to be water baptized. And one young woman has even started gathering with 30 people in her home village!     










Let me introduce you to our newest campaign  “Answering the Call.” Our goal is to help our partners plant 20 of the 500 churches. It costs roughly $6,000 to support one church over the course of two years. Give a one-time gift of $50 to help build the momentum for this movement or, better yet, give $50 monthly.

Would you consider giving a one-time gift or, better yet, supporting a church plant monthly? If five of us would give even $50 per month, we’d already be supporting one church. Together, let’s enable a church planter to answer the call to plant a church in India! 

Together we can,

Murray Cornelius

Executive Director for Mission Global