Journey To Jesus: Relationship Through Language Learning
Recently, there has been a huge influx of refugees to Canada, many of whom are being housed in hotels in various cities across the nation. I’ve had the opportunity to meet various families and see their challenges having just arrived in the country. In doing so, I knew I needed to do something as there were just so many in need.
As I followed the news stories, it was heartbreaking to see families lose all their belongings, as they crossed into America from Mexico, everything except for the clothes on their back. I was prompted in my spirit to immediately gather basic items for them such as diapers, wipes, toiletries, clothes, strollers, etc.
As time went on, I noticed an additional need – these families had nothing to do while they were waiting for the government to process their entry. It’s an especially hard time for the children. They are just little kids who need a place to play. As I considered options, I was able to find a church nearby that opened their doors. We partnered together and started some weekly programs for the families, including a family fun night where the kids could have a safe place to play once a week.
As I go about my daily routine, the majority of people that I am meeting are from the least reached places in the world. Canada is their new home, and this is our chance to share the love of Jesus with them. I love the passage of scripture in the New Testament that says, “From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands. God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us”, Acts 17:26-27 NIV.
I am grateful for the opportunity I have as a Mission Canada worker to walk alongside many families on their JOURNEY TO JESUS. It’s about showing practical love, caring for the necessities of everyday life, and then introducing them to my very best Friend!