This is Good News! A Story about the ChildCARE Plus Program in Zimbabwe

by Kevin Brown Jul 13, 2021, 15:07 PM

Pastor Joshua Ndlovu is with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Zimbabwe (PAOZ), the program partner that oversees the ChildCARE Plus (CCP) Zimbabwe General and Tsholotsho program in Zimbabwe, which has various CCP locations throughout the country. He recently shared an update regarding how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the program.

“Greetings in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. My name is Joshua Ndlovu, the CCP co-ordinator for Zimbabwe. I'd like to share on the goodness of the Lord in 2020. In 2020, we managed to distribute about 1,500 exercise books for children to study from home as we were in lockdown in Zimbabwe. Amongst these children, some of them were writing their final examinations. And we are so proud to say they passed their examinations.

We also distributed food packages to about 70 families so as to alleviate hunger. These families have lost their sources of income. Some caregivers and parents with children in the program tested positive for COVID-19, and we thank the Lord for the preservation of life as they recovered very well. We also received materials and resources from a local organization on how to overcome COVID-19 anxieties, which we distributed to the families, and also shared some lessons with them. And we are so grateful because the hand of the Lord was upon us and we managed to pull through the year. Thank you.”

We are grateful for God’s faithfulness to this community and especially to these children!

Photos courtesy Pentecostal Assemblies of Zimbabwe (PAOZ).

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