PAOC Missions Prayer - the week of October 31, 2019

by User Not Found Oct 31, 2019, 14:52 PM

PRAISE God!  Thank you for praying for the Eurasia Global Worker Retreat which just took place in Turkey. Almost all of our global workers in the region were able to attend. God's presence was very real throughout the week. The morning sessions focused on strategy and the evening sessions were about corporate worship and time to dig into God's Word and enjoy His presence. We also celebrated and honoured some long-term global workers.There was lots of healthy discussions, plenty of laughter, good times of prayer. It was fun to watch the children and youth of our global workers get to know one another and build those important and often lifetime relationships. Global worker retreats are of great value as they provide a sense of connectedness and family, an opportunity for Global Workers to share experiences, an opportunity for hands on encouragement and prayer support. 

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