November/December 2018 testimony

by Kevin Brown Nov 28, 2018, 11:34 AM


Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony. Read more.


A SEASON OF WAITING AND SUFFERINGExperiencing God during 775 days of captivity in China

Kevin and Julia Garratt never set out to make international headlines. They had lived in China for many years, raised their family there and, in 2007, opened a popular café in the northeast city of Dandong. Julia taught at the local university. Kevin ran the café. All of that changed one summer evening in August 2014. That night they were thrust into a season of life unlike anything they’d ever experienced or imagined. [Full content available to subscribers.] 


DRINKING THE POISONThe dangerous consequences of unforgiveness

Try looking it up in any English language dictionary: unforgiveness is not a word. In spite of its non-existence, we all use it and know what it means. But do we understand the devastating consequences of unforgiveness? Jon Stapley offers this personal account of his experience with this dangerous non-word. [Full content available to subscribers.] 


SUPERNATURAL GIFTS FOR ORDINARY PEOPLEA refresher on the purpose and function of spiritual gifts

This is not a yearning for the good old days or a criticism of contemporary methods of doing church. It’s simply a reminder that we need the gifts God provides to do the work He calls us to do. Here is a look at the use and misuse of the gifts of the Spirit and a clear call to a Spirit-filled and Spirit-empowered Christian life. Read more.


WHEN LIFE SMELLS LIKE A STABLEWhat to do when you don’t feel like doing Christmas

Despite the bright and cheery trappings of a modern-day Christmas, the season can be far from bright for many individuals and families. How do you find a way to celebrate Christmas when life smells more like a stable than a scented candle? The thoughts Marilyn Newbury shares in this LIFESTYLE feature didn’t come from a book; they’ve been gleaned from her own life experience. [Full content available to subscribers.] 


MY FIRST CHRISTMASA Muslim man experiences the meaning of Christmas

Connect the dots between a struggling marriage, a caring friend, a listening pastor, a powerful book, a dream, a star, and a bumper sticker, and you will have an outline of Mohammed Tahir Nagiff’s faith journey. This is the story of a Muslim man’s first Christmas. [Full content available to subscribers.] 


IMMANUEL EVERY DAYSome seasonal thoughts on practising the presence of God

Immanuel is a word we usually associate with the Christmas season. It’s in the carols we sing, on the cards we send, and in the story we tell. But Lindsey Gallant believes Immanuel is an everyday reality we need to learn to live with. And she’s been on a journey to learn what that looks like for the ordinary person living an ordinary life. Here are some of the lessons she’s learned. Read more.

Our Stories

ERDO: GENEROSITY AT CHRISTMAS—Taking part in God's narrative of hope

What if we saw this season as a time when we get to be generous with our lives, bringing hope to others in a tangible way? What if we decided to engage in acts of generosity this Christmas season, even if they seem to be small and insignificant? Join Candice Mayers, the program analyst at ERDO, as she explores the opportunity to not only give gifts that bring joy, but also lasting change to people around the world. Read more.


INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS: A CALL TO PRAYER FOR CHINA—The dawn of "religion management law"
Explore the real meaning of religious freedom in China, from a Restricted Access Nation global worker who ministers in Asia, along with her family. Read more.


A harvest. This is the goal of planting, investing, and being strategic in areas of our churches where the outcomes far outweigh the investment. In business, they call the outcome a “growth engine.” Learn from Andy Gabruch, the Next Generation Ministries director for the British Columbia and Yukon District of the PAOC and the chair of Mission Canada’s Youth Guiding Group, about some recent statistics from a national research project, around reaching the next generation for Christ in Canada. Read more.

You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing The complete digital issue is available to all paid subscribers. You can check out a few of the articles from previous issues at Full content is available to paid subscribers only.
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