Pray and Fast on Sunday March 18 for the Canada Summer Jobs Motion

by Valencia Octave Mar 14, 2018, 15:30 PM

On Sunday March 18, 2018, Canada-wide, the EFC (Evangelical Fellowship of Canada) is calling for a day of humility.

On Sunday March 18, 2018, Canada-wide, the EFC (Evangelical Fellowship of Canada) is calling for a day of humility: prayer and fasting for the Canada Summer Jobs motion in Parliament.

Here also is an article by David Guretzki, EFC executive vice-president and resident theologian to help guide your prayers:

Seven Principles of Praying for Political Leaders

Please continue to pray for appropriate and effective action to be taken across Canada to challenge the changes that were announced concerning the Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) program. The changes in eligibility for the grants announced by the Government of Canada could negatively impact a wide range of churches, Christian ministries, organizations and programs. Pray that many will respond by taking the time to learn more about the changes, and wisely act as needed to help secure the religious freedoms we have known in Canada. Pray that those freedoms would be both respected and protected, and that God will intervene on our behalf. Watch this video or visit for more information.

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