Planting in India - Growth and the Gospel

by Hana Zohiry Jul 6, 2017, 07:00 AM

Have you ever held a seed in your hand, examined it, and imagined what it could become?

It’s hard to believe that such a small thing will grow and transform itself into a fully blooming plant or even a tall tree once it’s been planted in the ground, watered, and finally matured. Before I consider planting anything, I usually need to see the photo on the seed package reflecting what those seeds will become.

There is no manual for church planting that gives perfect step-by-step instructions, nor is there a photo to look at in advance that will show the exact result that your hard work will yield. Church planting requires that one look at the seed and believe in its potential, trusting God for what isn’t seen and believing in what could be.

Christo and Sarah Emmanuel began a church in their home in Chennai, India, 10 years ago. Small at first, this church plant grew into something beyond expectation and now reaches thousands of people—children, youth and adults—through its outreach and their presence in the community. Living God Church has seen families and communities positively changed by the power of the gospel.

A large percentage of the church growth can be attributed to Life Group evangelism and discipleship. Over 30 life groups have been initiated through this ministry. These small house gatherings are a powerful way to connect to families, bringing many to Christ. Through these life groups, the church engages hundreds of children in its Vacation Bible School (VBS) program and many children and families have found Jesus.

The vision of the church is to continue to be a transformational agent in the city and send out a multitude of Bible-trained leaders to go beyond their community into other countries.

This amazing growth also poses some challenges. Living God Church is operating near maximum capacity with four services being held every Sunday to serve a congregation of 500 adults and 200 children. The church facility is not large enough to accommodate future growth, given that membership is expected to double in the next three to four years. In anticipation of increased attendance numbers, Living God Church is stepping out in faith to purchase an additional church building and redevelop their current facility.

Will you partner with us during this season of expectancy to see what the Lord of the Harvest will do? Our goal is to raise a down payment of at least $75,000 for this new building.

Let us sow this seed of faith together and see how God will ultimately bring about an increase of the fruit of Living God Church.

Planting together for His kingdom,