Kathy Mizen: Global Worker to Honduras

by Hana Zohiry Jul 4, 2017, 10:46 AM

 We love it when global workers come to visit our PAOC International office. Today we had the privilege of having Kathy Mizen share in chapel about all of the things she is doing in Honduras through her role as the administrator for Schools of Hope in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Here's a few pictures that help capture what she shared.


The team that serves alongside Kathy is able to minister to a community of 25,000 people. Currently, they are reaching to children in 15 schools, helping the administration of the ChildCARE plus sponsorship program and involved in water sanitation development.

Kathy expressed her gratefulness to the Lord for His continued provision during her time in Canada and is thankful for the support of the International office that helps support her in so many ways.

Please pray for Kathy as she itinerates in Canada. Pray that her time will be meaningful and fruitful as she seeks to raise funds for Schools of Hope and personal support.

To learn more about Kathy and her role in Honduras, click here.