Pentecost Sunday is June 4 – Sermons and Other Resources

by David Wells May 25, 2017, 12:52 PM

Greetings fellow labourers,

As pastors and ministry leaders, there are dates on the church calendar which hold great significance and shape the messages we share. They also influence what we pray and believe for, as we seek to align our work with that of the Spirit. With Pentecost Sunday soon approaching on June 4, 2017, we encourage you to challenge your congregation to a deeper walk with the Spirit. The Spirit is at work all across our nation, and around the world. Let’s prepare ourselves in anticipation of a powerful move of the Spirit in our local congregations, not only on Sunday, June 4, but today and every day. As we live lives that are fully and actively engaged with the Spirit, may those around us not only see and hear but also experience what it means to live a Spirit-empowered life.

We’d like to offer the following resources to inspire and assist you in your preparation.


Dr. Jack Hayford, affectionately known as “Pastor Jack,” is a deeply respected Pentecostal statesman, author, speaker and composer who has influenced generations of leaders. The source of his impact goes beyond skills and gifts to a person deeply committed to an intimate relationship with his Lord with total dependency on the person and work of the Spirit. Because of our friendship, and our partnership with the Jack Hayford Library, we are excited and grateful for the offer made to provide to our PAOC pastors and credential holders three of Pastor Jack’s sermons related to Pentecost: 



 - The Four Facts of Pentecost

 - The Force of Pentecost

 - The Fullness of Pentecost


These messages are sure to be a blessing to you as you prepare for Pentecost Sunday on June 4.  CLICK HERE NOWto access not only the audio versions of each of these messages, but also Pastor Jack’s two-page sermon outline, and his complete message transcript—for all three messages.

We also encourage you to participate in the offer being extended to our PAOC credential holders—to subscribe to the entire Jack Hayford Library—over 600 messages in audio, outline and full transcript form. You will see this offer when you access the June 4 messages. The cost is minimal, whether monthly or annually, and well worth the investment. Pentecost Sunday is just around the corner.  This offer may inspire your next message, or maybe even an entire series on Pentecost!


Our Fellowship is served well by our very own Wordcom Christian Resources.  Visit for featured resources on life in the Spirit.  If you search “Pentecost” on the Wordcom site, 54 more resources will be at your fingertips.  Let us take you there quickly with this link:

Allow us to draw to your attention one of our featured books by our very own Roger Stronstad, A Pentecostal Biblical Theology: Turning Points in the Story of Redemption.

stronstad-book5e2f576cb2cf645badfcff00009d593aAs a well-respected Pentecostal biblical scholar, Roger Stronstad turns his attention to the construction of an overarching biblical theology that runs from Genesis to Revelation. Bringing his considerable narrative and theological skills to this task, Stronstad makes the bold proposal that the entire canon, from creation to the new creation, reveals a rather clear and distinctive shape and content that may be traced by a series of seven turning points in redemptive history. These turning points include five found in the Old Testament (creation, the flood, Babel, wilderness, and exile) and two found in the New Testament (the first coming of Jesus and the climax of history).

In this narrative, Stronstad focuses on:

  • The key turning points in biblical and human history
  • The most significant biblical characters
  • Accounts for every biblical covenant
  • Explains the significance of the fact that there are seven turning points
  • The discovery that the agents of the new start of the last four cycles have the name Joshua (Hebrew) = Jesus (Greek), which means “God saves,” illustrating the repetitive triumph of redemption over human cosmic and global sinfulness.

This work is a welcome addition to the field of Pentecostal biblical theology.

As you prepare for Pentecost Sunday this year, consider our most recent statistics as reported on our 2015 ACLRs regarding the work of the Spirit in the local church:

  • 77% of PAOC churches reported increased evidence of the fruit of the Spirit
  • 59% reported that they had taught on the work of the Spirit
  • 58% reported that there were physical healings that took place in the church
  • 48% reported that the vocal gifts of the Spirits were in operation
  • 45% reported people coming to Christ

We recently received an exciting video from Scott Williams. He and his wife, Melissa, serve as PAOC global workers in El Salvador with the ministry of King’s Castle. Watch this video that describes a young girl’s recent experience of receiving the baptism of the Spirit. You may wish to show it to your congregation, or even in a kids’ church setting. Let’s trust God for the younger generation to experience the Spirit at work in their lives.

Click here to watch the video.

We also encourage you to check out resources available through Empowered21: As the Canadian Chair of E21 and a member of the global council, I represent the PAOC as part of the larger Pentecostal body around the world seeking to bring a re-emphasis on Spirit-empowered living—including a consistent focus on Pentecost Sunday of the Spirit’s person and work.

May you see the Spirit at work in your church this Pentecost Sunday, and every day.

David Wells

General Superintendent

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada