Highlights from Egypt from Murray Cornelius

by Hana Zohiry Mar 9, 2017, 09:23 AM

I recently returned from a trip to Egypt where the Assemblies of God in Egypt just celebrated the 110 anniversary of their founding. They date their origins to an Egyptian who visited Azusa Street where he was filled with the Holy Spirit and then returned to Egypt to establish one of the first modern Pentecostal churches there. Around this time a Canadian missionary went to Egypt and connected with this growing church movement, he was associated with the early PAOC so our connection to the church in Egypt has a long and rich history.

I was invited to attend three celebrations and one of these was hosted in a tent that was donated by the PAOC to the church a few years ago. This tent is an evangelism tool because the church hosts camps and outreach events for kids and teens in the surrounding area. I was pleased to see how our global workers have partnered with the Egyptian church leaders, to support them in all their endeavours. 

Today there are roughly 170 churches and 438 students attend the Middle East Evangelical Theological Seminary. It's wonderful to see a thriving movement of God in a place many people might assume would be the opposite of this reality. Please continue to pray for the church in Egypt, that they would continue to grow and follow God's leading.