Missions Hotline - Requests for the Week of March 6, 2017

by User Not Found Mar 7, 2017, 17:29 PM

The PAOC Missions Hotline is a weekly communication of prayer requests that may include PAOC global workers, Mission Canada workers, district or constituency prayer needs, and current Canadian or international news events and related needs. It is sent weekly from The PAOC International Office in Mississauga, Ont. To download a PDF version of the Missions Hotline, please click here.

Week of March 6, 2017


Pray for the BC and Yukon District Conference happening this week in Abbotsford, BC. Pray that people will be encouraged as they worship God, pray together and share ideas with each other on reaching their communities for Christ. Pray also for safe travel for everyone involved.


Sergio & Nancy Bersaglio


Pray that God will bless and guide Sergio and Nancy, the directors of the Villages of Hope (VOH), with wisdom in overseeing the care of children at eight locations in Africa. Pray that every child will know they are loved and that they will be open to receiving the gospel. Pray also for safety as Sergio and Nancy travel throughout Africa.



Pray that peace will be achieved throughout the Southeast Asia region after North Korea fired missiles into the sea off Japan's northwest coast early Monday. Pray that the leaders of countries in this area will work together to overcome their differences and make decisions in the best interests of their citizens. Pray also that many hearts and lives will be reached with the love of Christ as it is proclaimed throughout these various countries.



Please pray for everyone involved in the accident on Sunday when a bus carrying farm workers went off the highway and ended up in a stream in Panama City. Eighteen people died and 37 others were injured. Pray for the physical and emotional healing of those injured and for the families and friends of those who were killed. Pray also for our global workers and partners serving in this region, and for opportunities for the gospel to spread, so that many people will find comfort and hope in Christ.

The PAOC is a member of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship. Visit www.agmisgpn.org regularly for updates on a wide range of global prayer needs. 

Please feel free to copy and paste this content as needed for your communication purposes. The Missions Hotline is sent weekly from The PAOC International Office in Mississauga, ON. Send in your inquiries to Kevin Brown: kevin.brown@paoc.org

We also encourage you to visit http://paoc.org/missions/prayer-link every week for the latest global worker prayer updates.