4-14: The Impact of Child Sponsorship in Honduras

by Hana Zohiry Apr 25, 2016, 07:00 AM


An ERDO feature

“Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” 

Proverbs 14:31

Through a ChildCARE Plus child sponsorship, a child can attend school, have access to nutritious food and healthcare and be spiritually nurtured by our on-the-ground ChildCARE Plus community representatives. In Honduras, there are over 120 children sponsored. These children learn about Jesus through stories, songs, drawings and teaching. They also attend a camp weekend.

Last year a boy named Johnny had eye surgery that was made possible because of ChildCARE Plus. Before his surgery, he wasn’t able to focus his eyes and couldn’t see what was going on around him. He has shown improvement since his surgery last November. Johnny will need glasses to strengthen his eyes so they can focus better. His surgery was a huge answer to prayer for his mother. He is now starting grade 6 and is happy to be able to see better. He wants to be a pastor one day. Learn more about ChildCARE Plus at www.erdo.ca/child-sponsorship.

Learn more about ChildCARE Plus child sponsorship at www.erdo.ca.