4-14: Providing Clean Water in Zimbabwe

by Hana Zohiry Apr 6, 2016, 07:00 AM

An ERDO feature

“If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.”

Proverbs 25:21

In southern Zimbabwe, especially in the rural areas, families struggle to provide school fees for children at the primary school level which mean that few children make it to high school. Last year a new school curriculum was implemented that teaches elementary students about agriculture. Unfortunately because the schools haven’t received enough money, they no longer have enough water to do the farming.

When ERDO provides a water well on the school property, the school has drinking water, water for the agriculture projects and water for the surrounding community. Clean water sources at these remote schools will help prevent diseases from dirty water and reduce student absences due to illness. The schools and students can eat the produce that grows in the school training gardens. School wells also provide community families with clean drinking water daily and water for kitchen gardens growing beans, peanuts, sweet potatoes, squash and tomatoes. 

Each well has a solar pump and solar panels. To learn more about water projects, go to  erdo.ca/water.


 The Life Campaign is one of the supporters of proving water wells in Africa.

PROJECT: Bore Wells With Solar Pumps & Water Reservoir Systems

LOCATION: Southern Zimbabwe

GOAL: Serve 1,200 primary school students and school/community gardens

AMOUNT NEEDED: $20,000 – 25,000 USD per well
