It’s Our Time! Campus Summit, 2015.

by Lauren Seymour Mar 3, 2015, 09:42 AM

Over past several decades, the PAOC has responded to the challenges and opportunities of our nation’s university and college campuses with an impressive creativity and depth. Normally, when people think of the PAOC, they do not quickly think of university ministry. But, that is about to change.

Campus Mission Canada, the campus network of ministries connected to, or in relationship with, the PAOC has ministries reaching over fifty campuses across Canada. And we are on the verge of reaching many more. In fact, a slogan that flows out of our vision is: “Every Campus”. That means a witness connected to, or in relationship with, the PAOC on every Canadian campus. It does not include a church nearby a campus hoping to entice students to come to its services. It means The Church bringing the Kingdom of God to the campus. It means The Church, in whatever form, present on the campus. And when we say this, we do so with the recognition that it will take more than our combined efforts and resources to make this happen.

Campus Mission Canada has distilled five core modes of campus ministry. We call these modes C5.

  1. Chaplaincy
  2. Club
  3. Campus Church
  4. Church-based Ministry
  5. Creative Ventures

Some of our ministries operate on more than one mode. But in all of them we look for different ways of representing Jesus well on our campus. Each mode brings something special to the table. And many of our people operate better in one of them or the other. But it enables us to be adaptable to the needs of the university and the gifting of the campus leaders. It is not a one size fits all approach. We do not have a manual and a box. We do, however, have outstanding examples of each kind of ministry. And I do mean outstanding! We have so much to learn from each other.

It is with this in mind that Campus Mission Canada is hosting the Campus Ministry Summit on June 1-4, 2015 at Lakeshore Camp in Cobourg, Ontario. We want you to know about it. If you are a ‘stakeholder’ in campus ministry as either a student, leader or pastor we want to invite you to what promises to be a strategic gathering of some of the finest leaders in the land for prayer, sharing and vision. In many ways, it will set the course of our ministry for the next decade, and in that, have a huge role in the development of The Church in Canada, in general, and the PAOC in particular.
For more information about the Campus Ministry Summit, contact Robb Powell at

Check out our website at